Thursday, 21 July 2011

Inggrish, please

We have a lot to learn if we're going to travel the world.

It's officially day 1 of our travels, and it's amazing we made it this far. Amazing we got out of Fiji in the first place.

Our two years of traveling on twin otter puddle jumpers, through airports where a conversation about where you are from is more important than security measures have given us a false sense of air travel. We arrived at the airport this morning without visas to our next destination, with way too many ounces in our carry-on baggage, and absolutely no foreign currency. We were reprimanded in Australia for not being at our gate three hours in advance and barely made our flight to Bali.

But make it, we did. And we're safe and sound and happy to be abroad. We're also enjoying the lightening-speed internet at our hostel. (We had no idea the rest of the world was operating at this speed!) When I logged on to post this blog, everything "google" was in the Indonesian language (what that is, we haven't yet figured out). I had to change my preference to English, and the option I chose was "Inggrish."

Of course, I'm still answering "Io" (the Fijian yes) to every question, though I imagine that as Fiji becomes a distant memory, so will the language.


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